FourSight: Q2 in the Rear View
FourSight is a regular series of market updates to help business owners — and their attorneys, bankers or wealth managers — better understand what’s happening in the world of mergers and acquisitions.
FourSight is a regular series of market updates to help business owners — and their attorneys, bankers or wealth managers — better understand what’s happening in the world of mergers and acquisitions.
Think twice about a right of first refusal if you plan to sell your company – or if there’s a chance you might do so in the future.
Valuations reached record heights last year. Whether these numbers represent a peak in the seller’s market — or a trend that will continue — remains to be seen.
Mental and operational preparations are key to taking advantage of what opportunities may lie ahead. To start, work through this checklist.
As we’re nearing the end of 2017, reports are rolling in for the third quarter. The big picture, once again: our seller’s market persists.
Your longest-lasting and most loyal banking clients may leave you, and it has nothing to do with your performance. You guessed it – they’re selling their businesses.
Dust from the recession has settled and an estimated $400 billion in private equity funds alone are chasing down businesses to buy or invest in.
Building a credible ‘story’ is an essential tool for selling or seeking investment funds, and also helps you make quantifiable decisions about your business.
Some entrepreneurs launch a business to bring their talents to bare, to achieve their dream of serving a specific type of client in a specific way, never considering selling their business, but many are acutely aware that their business may someday be worth selling.
Are there magical signs that point to selling your business?
In Shakespeare’s Henry VI trilogy, Dick the Butcher proclaimed “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers” (depicted above seizing the Clerk of Chatham)…but the professionals at FourBridges disagree.
No matter what stage your business is in, selling is an option on many minds, but there are major obstacles just waiting to trip you up. One expert shares what exactly those are so you will have the advantage.