Our Fundamental Principles

Core Values

Whatever it Takes

Inspired by:
Baseball Hall-of-Famer Tony Gwynn

Tony Gwynn took 200 practice swings a day. His hard work earned him: 8 batting titles, 15 All Star appearances, 7 Silver Slugger Awards and 5 Golden Glove Awards.

In his words:
“I just don’t feel prepared unless I’m doing what I can to be a little bit smarter, a little bit better, a little bit more prepared.

At FourBridges:
Like baseball great Tony Gwynn, the FourBridges team prides itself on our ability to be tenacious, solve problems, take ownership, over prepare, act with a sense of urgency and dive for those loose balls. 


Understated Confidence

Inspired by:
World War II General Omar Bradley with Brigadier J. H. N. Poett

General Bradley is known as the “G.I.’s General” for the concern he showed ordinary soldiers and his understated yet confidant bearing. He commanded the First United States Army during the Invasion of Normandy, and served as the first chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was known to have a “Calm certainty of his own great abilities.”

In his own words:
“Leadership means firmness, not harshness or bullying; understanding, not weakness; justice, not irresponsible freedom; humaneness, not intolerance; generosity, not selfishness; pride, not egotism.” While many of his peers fed cults of personality to swell their self-images, General Bradley saw his role as a facilitator to empower his men to accomplish great feats. 

At FourBridges:
Our M.O. at FourBridges is to never assume that we’re the smartest in the room, and to listen in order to cultivate understanding. We are known for our positive attitude, self-awareness and insistence on crediting others.


Do The Right Thing

Inspired by:
Golfer Bobby Jones

Why: Bobby Jones was the first man to achieve golf’s Grand Slam by winning the British Open, the US Open, and the British and US amateur championships in a single year. In the 1925 US Open, Jones inadvertently brushed grass which caused his ball to move slightly on the 11th hole. Though no one saw it, he assessed himself a penalty stroke which forced him into a playoff which he eventually lost.

In his words: When Jones received accolades from his peers and sportswriters, he said “You might as well praise me for not robbing banks.”

At FourBridges: Like Bobby Jones, the FourBridges team is committed to being open and honest, to always do right, keep our promises, admit when we’re wrong, deliver bad news quickly, own up to it — and fix it. 


Help First

Inspired by: German long jumper Carl Ludwig “Luz” Long, shown here w/ Jesse Owens

The 1936 Olympics were held in Germany under Adolf Hitler. Jesse Owens, an African American, had already won multiple gold medals for the US, but was called for a “scratch” by German officials on his first two long jump attempts. German competitor Luz Long took Owens aside and suggested he move his launch target a few inches back so they couldn’t call a scratch. Owens took his advice and won the gold medal, barely beating Luz Long. 

In Jesse Owens’ Words:
“It took a lot of courage for him to befriend me in front of Hitler… You can melt down all the medals and cups I have and they wouldn’t be a plating for the twenty-four karat friendship that I felt for Luz Long at that moment.”

At FourBridges:
We admire men like both Luz Long and Jesse Owens, and believe that you reap what you sow, and should always provide help with no expectations. The truest win is found in helping others. 


Win as a Team

Inspired by:
Alaskan sled dog Togo, and his team

Why: Togo was the lead sled dog for most of the January 1925 emergency run of diphtheria serum from Anchorage to Nome Alaska. Despite historic snowdrifts, gale force winds and temperatures as low as -40 degrees F, the sled dogs delivered the serum in 5 days and saved the town. Togo’s team covered 261 of the 674 miles, over the most dangerous parts of the route. This heroic event serves as the inspiration for the annual Iditarod sled race from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. 

A Team Effort:
Togo’s heroics were a team effort. On a dog sled team, Lead Dogs set the pace and keep the dogs on the trail, while Swing Dogs steer the team around curves and powerhouse Team Dogs keep the pace. Finally, agile Wheel Dogs move the sled over obstacles and through dangerous snow.

At FourBridges: Like a dog sled team firing on all cylinders, the FourBridges team is focused on working together. We believe in playing to our strengths, leading by example and treating everyone with respect. Always compliant with established systems and our core values, we are also willing to learn, and have a strict “no jerks” policy on our team. 

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